GO TO THE HEAD OF THE CLASS with Those Are the Strokes, Folks! I Can Do It Alphabet Letter Learning with the power of Visual Meaning.
It's easy for children to name all their friends because they recognize their visual differences. Sally has brown curly hair, green eyes and freckles. Jose has blond straight hair, brown eyes and wears eyeglasses.
But for young children, letters just look like squiggly lines.
With increased Visual Meaning, Those Are the Stroke's Folks! makes learning to name the letters as easy as naming friends.
- Learn the four kinds of letter lines that the uppercase letters are made of: straight, circle, diagonal and U-shaped.
- Build the letters. Know each letter's lines and how they are arranged.
Name the letters. Just like good friends, when children understand each letter's shape through letter building, it's easy to recognize and name the letters.
David says, "I DO IT!" At just three years old, David has built A and B—his way. And now that he understands A's shape—its lines and how it's made—just like a good friend, it's easy to recognize A and remember its name. (Product prototype in use.)
Learn with the Magic of Make-Believe Story Recipes
Those Are the Strokes, Folks!, the New, Natural, Fast, Fun, Easy, Interactive STEM MAKE-BELIEVE STORY way for HAPPY alphabet letter learning that kids LOVE!
JOIN the four letter lines, the THREE STROKES AND A BUMP—Roddy, Roly, Slopey and Bump—on their 26 letter building adventures.
Learn two ways. Choose and change any time.
- Use the full-feature Watch-Me Video together with the Magnetic Sticker Activity
- Use the Read-to-Me Book together with the Magnetic Sticker Activity
FILL the Printing Readiness Learning Gap with Those Are the Strokes, Folks!
- Before little hands are ready to print, BUILD the letters.
- Then, when little hands are ready, just write the letter lines!
Ages 3-6